3-MMC FUERT and Sex- The best possible combination

The research chemical 3-MMC FUERT is frequently utilized as a designer drug due to its lust enhancing effects. Some people utilize it as a sex enhancer as it enhances the desire for sex. The 3-MMC products we sell is meant for research purposes and not sold under any situation for human consumption. In the straight and gay scenario, they also talk about chemsex.

3-MMC FUERT and parties and sex

For instance, there are parties where people have sex under the influence of 3-MMC FUERT. The user describes the effects of this chemical as something incredible. The craving for sex enhances so much that it causes a horny state. On consumption of this chemical, touching people feels good as it is quite popular as a sex enhancer.  Feeling each other becomes 100 times much better on this substance.

HEXEN and sex is described as a chemical to research

Some people experience the usage of HEXEN as such a pleasure. They describe a feeling of unlimited energy. Utilizing it as a designer drug is associated with the stamina to experience sex for longer periods of time to take sex to new levels. Most of the abusers of this drug feel a euphoric feeling.


Just like 2-FDCK Ketamine, mephedrone is an amphetamine like substance that is white in color. The impact of this drug can be compared to a blend of cocaine and MDMA. Cocaine may cause addiction and is harmful for the heart. If you have heart issues, don’t consume cocaine.

This research chemical is extensively available on the market in powder, crystal and pill form. It is manufactured as a research chemical and is not meant for research purposes. We only sell research chemicals for research purposes. These are not meant for human consumption. However, some people still utilize it.


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